
NewsSkunk is an underground network of anonymous unpaid interns, overworked assistants, and under-appreciated, lower-level staffers providing news and stories about the arrogant politicians, bureaucrats, and business leaders they work for. NewsSkunk reports The News They Did Not Want You to Know, exposing the deceitfulness of politicians, the unintended consequences of government policies that are keeping poor people poor and the general incompetence of government and social engineering.

About Liberalville

What would happen if liberal and socialist policies were purely applied to part of America? The answer is Liberalville: Stories They Did Not Want You to Know, a collection of untold stories that Liberalism may not survive.

Liberalville: Stories They Did Not Want You to Know, features evergreen stories about Liberalville’s arrogant yet hapless Mayor Assisi, his #1 nemesis, NewsSkunk, an underground media organization that successfully sabotages him at every partisan turn, and the unintended consequences of the implementation of liberal policies.

About The Obama Years

The Obama Years:  Stories They Did Not Let You Know, is composed solely of stories suppressed by the mainstream media during Obama’s Reign of Error. With names and circumstances altered slightly to protect the guilty, and circumvent confidentiality and non-disparagement contractual obligations, The Obama Years:  Stories They Did Not Let You Know is the first unsuppressed reporting about what was really happening during the Obama years.

Some of the stories included in The Obama Years:  Stories They Did Not Let You Know, include:

  • Rumors of Steroid Use Could Invalidate Obama’s Re-Election Victory
  • Misapplied Testosterone Cream Incident Hangs Over Hillary Clinton Campaign
  • Obama to Follow Up Green Energy Re-Investment Program with Re-Re-Investment Program
  • Obama Campaign Sent Fake Tweets Using a False Name to Fake Followers
  • Pelosi Sends Stunt Double to Explain ObamaCare Impact to College Students
  • Obama, Executive Branch to be Cut to 29 Hours a Week Due to ObamaCare
  • State Dept Having Difficulty Recruiting for Open Benghazi Consulate Position
  • China Hacks NSA’s Prism Database; Selling Names to Erectile Dysfunction Spammers
  • Obama Secretly Postpones First Family Moon Landing Vacation
  • Cuba Recruiting Former Communist Obama Aides to Help Run Cuba
  • Border Patrol Preventing Illegal Aliens from Crossing Back into Mexico

And dozens more. With the blackmail threat situation “terminated”, NewsSkunk is now prepared to release The Obama Years: Stories They Did Not Let You Know.
